
The Cabinetmakers Associations 10 year’s jubilee exhibition was prepared throughout the year 2002. The purpose was to make a bit of fun, spring a few surprises as well as showing distinguished craftsmanship.

As a minimal frame within which to work we asked the members to:

1. Make word associations based on words ending in -skab in Danish e.g. makkerskab, ("et skab" means a cabinet, the ending -skab in makkerskab means fellowship)

2. based on specified measures make cabinets of identical dimensions.

The exhibition was supported by

Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968
Augustinus Fonden
BG Fonden
Ellen Paul-Petersens mindelegat
Statens Værksteder for kunst og håndværk
Københavns Snedkerlaug
Knud Højgaards Fond
Nordisk Kulturfond